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  • Provide More Opportunities To Your Students.

    Get Core Companies To Recruit Talent From Campus.

    Provide Access To Off-Campus Opportunities.

    Get Students Pre-Assessed.

    Skill Gap Analysis To Identify and Bridge Existing Gaps.

  • Placement Worries?

    Partner with us to bring more opportunities to your students.

  • No Corporate Visibility?

    Get Students Pre-Assessed to showcase Talent Availability.

  • i2iBridge

    Gateway to connect with Industries.

  • Placement Management Outsourcing.

    Get More Companies To Recruit From Your College.

Internal Assessments

Little improvements and validations done periodically would help correcting the gaps. Our education system has imbibed this culture and before writing the final exams, we go through so many assignments and periodical internal tests and calibrate our education and training methods based on performance results that we get.

Institutions fail to do the same when it comes to preparing the students to face the challenges outside the curriculum. Companies expect students to have different skills so that they can successfully execute. Do you prefer to buy something at a price when you know it is not going to work? Same is the situation with corporate. You might be cribbing about colleges being very choosy about who they select and why there are so very less candidates when so many have appeared.

Jobeee brings you, the institution, a technology platform to conduct your internal assessments your question banks or question banks professionally developed by us. This would result in getting the students exposed to delivering results in a time based environment. Practice is the key for success in any timed assessments. Having students undergo this kind of practice assessments before they are made to appear for actual recruitment events would definitely help them to perform better.